Sport Revolution, Ltd. is developing and producing equipment for improving ice hockey and floorball skills. We offer 27 different training aids and other equipment that will help you to practice not only in ice hockey halls and sport centres but also at home. By using them together with our mobile app you will have more effective, more dynamic and more interesting training process than you ever imagined.

The company was established when we, two ex-hockey players Jānis Leitāns, got an idea to develop equipment for individual workouts. Our team began designing our first product in 2011 and now we can already offer 20 products for ice hockey and 7 for floorball. In order to achieve the best results we are cooperating on a regular basis with industry professionals, professional hockey and floorball players as well as certified coaches in the process of development of each product. Also our own experience as hockey player and knowledge in pedagogy have been important. Therefore we can say with a confidence that our products will serve well not only for professional and amateur players but also for children.​​

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What makes us unique

Although most of our training aids are for practicing hockey, we are the first and the only ones who are offering training aids for floorball. We started to produce My Floorballl in 2015 and in one and a half years its sales have reached impressive part of the total turnover of our company. We have a patent for its design and technology.
Besides training aids we also produce removable sport surfaces which are highly appreciated as they allow creating a training spot both indoors and outdoors.Plus, our products are compatible with a special application (free of charge) which includes several workout programs developed by professional coaches and players. It is also possible to create your own program so each coach can develop a program which would be the most appropriate for particular player.
Having this app is almost like having your own personal coach who is always there with you and offers you advice given by world-renowned sport professionals.​

Sport Revolution around the world

Although Sport Revolution is established in Latvia, The European Union, yet 90% of our products are made for the export. We have 25 dealers in Europe and 5 elsewhere in the world (including USA and Australia).

Free shipping

Free worldwide shipping and returns - customs and duties taxes included